Malaria and other diseases are still a big problem, especially for needy people. The first cause of death in Tanzania still is Malaria.
As God created the plants, He put much healing power in some plants. This power we use to avoid Malaria and other diseases. WCV created a field and produces Natural Medicine with Artemisia and other plants. We give it to needy people and sell it. WCV opens a Herbal Clinic in Mugumu to check (needy) patients and to give them advice.
»God let grow healing plants. Let´s use it.«
Ezekiel 47, 12
September 2019: Preparing of our HERBAL CLINIC
In the process of WorldChanger Vision in Tanzania to increase its capacity for expanding the NGO, we are delightly happy to inform you, that soon we launching a HERBAL CLINIC in the Central Mugumu town.
We will be giving healthy advice as well as the Natural medicine produced by ourselves.
Welcome people from Germany and other corners of the World for natural treatments.
25th+26th June 2019: Seminar with Anamed about Natural Medicine
We are very thankful for the amazing Seminar in Mugumu with more than 70 participants over 2 days. Also important people from the Government in Mugumu attended.
Our guests was teached about the healing power of Natural Medicine, how to produce it and how to use it. Further they learned how to produce medical soap and creme to treat skin diseases.
March 2019: Harvest on the Artemisia-Field
Artemisia is a healing plant against Malaria and other diseases.
After harvest we will dry it in a hut, later we have to grind an pack the powder in plastic bags.
The powder you can use as Natural Medicine in a tea or in Poretsch.